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The Restlessness of Winged Creatures (2016)

The famous Israeli poet Yona Wallach (1944-1985) once wrote that Hebrew is a sex-maniac language, because it consists of strict grammar roles of female and male, in which no adjective, noun or verb can avoid being gendered. By using movement, we wish to dissolve the influences our mother tongue left in their bodies.


As a starting point, we use our physical similarities of body structure, alignment and articulation. Positioning two similar bodies of male and female on stage, creates confusion, multiplication and comparison. In that matter, we trigger the observers to gain a transformable perspective.

During a continual movement sequence, we create a dynamic space that is free of concrete forms, so we can play with gender stereotypes in order to let go of them and to be present as is, shameless. During the performance, we share and exchange our covered/exposed appearance and movement and spatial elements are travelling between us, so the spectator can see the score as two singular trajectories, or as two halves of one entity’s process.


Premiere: July 2016, 'Dance Arena' Festival, Mazia House, Jerusalem, Israel

Produced with the support of the Israel Lottery Council For Culture & Arts, ´Hazira - Alternative platform for innovative creation in Jerusalem, Rabinovich Tel-Aviv Foundation for the Arts, ‘Rotem’ - Menashe regional council center and Kibbutzim College Dance Faculty.

Choreographers & performers: Nir Vidan & Adi Shildan

Artistic Adviser: Sahar Azimi

Music: Tomer Damsky

Costumes: Hilla Shapira

Light design: Omer Sheizaf

Photography: Efrat Mazor

Camera: Daniel Pakes & Ofir Ben Shimon

Trailer: Eyal Davidovitch


The Guardian, UK (28/11/17)

Haaretz, Israel (26/11/17)

Haaretz, Israel (Hebrew, 26/11/17)

Menufaktura, Lithuania (29/11/17)

NEWSru, Israel (Russian, 28/11/17)

Politiken, Denmark (28/11/17)

Kan Tarbut Radio, Israel (Hebrew, 3/1/18, 1:20:10-1:29:00)
Haaretz, Idit Suslik
About Dance Arena Festival, Israel (Hebrew, 15/7/16)
Le Visiteur, Anat Zecharia
About Jerusalem International Dance Week, Israel (Hebrew, 7/12/17)
Galatz Radio, Israel (Hebrew, 27/11/17). Full item.
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